Islam, undoubtely THE religion of violence

”Have you heard that Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and only a ”tiny minority of extremists” practice violence?  That’s like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists hurt anyone.  Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries. In truth, even a tiny minority of ”1%” of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers – which is hardly an insignificant number.  However, the ”minority” of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this.  In fact, it isn’t even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined.” *)

”Psychopathic people and behavior are found within all cultures and religions. But one tops them all — by many lengths. The daily mass killings, terror, persecutions and family executions committed by the followers of Islam are nauseating, and the ingenuity behind the attacks — always looking for new and more effective ways of killing and terrorizing people — is astonishing: hijacking jumbo jets and flying them into skyscrapers, hunting unarmed and innocent people with grenades and automatic rifles in shopping malls, planting bombs in one’s own body, using model airplanes as drones, attaching large rotating blades to pickup trucks and using them as human lawn movers, killing family members with acid or fire, hanging people publicly from cranes in front of cheering crowds, etc. It makes one ask oneself: what creates such lack of empathy and almost playful and creative attitude towards murdering perceived enemies?” **) 


Tina Magaard is a Danish linguist (who indeed has studied Arabic) and holds a Ph.d. on text analysis and inter-cultural communication from the university of Sorbonne.  For three years (2002-2005) together with a number of research assistants, she conducted a research project on the religious texts of ten different religions including the Quoran. The purpose was to investigate whether any of the religions incite violence.

Her conclusions on Islam shouldn’t surprise anyone: “The texts of Islam are clearly distinct from the other religions texts as they, to a higher degree, call for violence and aggression against followers of other faiths. There are also direct incitements to terror. … Moreover, in the Qur’an there are hundreds of invitations to fight against people of other faiths.”

Hoover Institution at Stanford University ”The success of radical Islamic organizations in the recruitment, posting, and ideological maintenance of sleeper activists (the 9-11 terrorists are a prime example) without their defecting or succumbing to the lure of Western civilization proves the deep ideological nature of the phenomenon. Therefore, to treat Islamic terrorism as the consequence of political and socioeconomic factors alone would not do justice to the significance of the religious culture in which this phenomenon is rooted and nurtured. In order to comprehend the motivation for these acts and to draw up an effective strategy for a war against terrorism, it is necessary to understand the religious-ideological factors — which are deeply embedded in Islam.”

”It can be safely assumed that the great majority of Muslims in the world have no desire to join a jihad or to politicize their religion. However, it is also true that insofar as religious establishments in most of the Arabian peninsula, in Iran, and in much of Egypt and North Africa are concerned, the radical ideology does not represent a marginal and extremist perversion of Islam but rather a genuine and increasingly mainstream interpretation.

In opinion poll after opinion poll, Muslims from all over the world confirm that they have a varying degree of acceptance for killing civilians, including completely innocent parents and children, in the name of their Islamic religion.

Another study which involved intensive questioning of 45,000 teenagers from 61 towns and regions across Germany, showed that boys growing up in religious Muslim families are more likely to be violent. The study was conducted by Christian Pfeiffer of the criminal research institute of Lower Saxony. The study also touches the issue on Muslims low integration and high association with crime:  ”They were also more likely to be using violent computer games and have criminal friends. Added to that, the more religious Muslim boys felt the least integrated into German society, with only 14.5 percent of the very religious Turkish boys (the largest group of Muslims in the study) saying they felt German, although 88.5 percent had been born here.”

The clear pattern of young Muslim men, violence and crime has been confirmed time after time. The professional work of Danish psychologist Nicolai Sennels must be among the most comprehensive ever with his ten years of working as a psychologist for young Muslims within the Danish youth criminal correctional treatment programme: ”The crime rate among Muslims in the West is catastrophically high. Seven out of 10 inmates in Danish youth prisons have immigrant backgrounds, and almost all of them are raised in Muslim families. The first seven or eight places on the top-10 list of criminals’ nationality are occupied by immigrants from Muslim countries (Danes come in as number nine, followed by a long list of purely non-Muslim immigrants). This list is published by the Danish state’s Bureau of Statistics, and is corrected according to the criminals’ economic and educational status. The crime statistics also show that crime rates among immigrants get worse, not better, in subsequent generations. Time does not heal the problems, on the contrary. Second generation immigrants (born and raised in Denmark) in the age group 20-29 years are thus 76 percent more criminal than first generation immigrants (born outside Denmark) in the same age group. Second generation non-Western immigrants are five times more violent than Danes. 22 percent of the second generation immigrants between 20-29 years received one or more sentences in 2005.  In 2006 the number had risen to 23 percent . The share of immigrants among youth criminals in Copenhagen rose from 56 percent in 2007 to 67 percent in 2008 – that is an increase of 20 percent in just one year.”

One would think the undisputed connection which has been confirmed hundreds, even thousands of times, between Muslims religiousness and the obligation and justification they feel to kill, beat, steal, lie, segregate and rape in the name of Islam would make feminists, apologetic left and liberals think twice before advocating MORE mass immigration of Muslims into western societies, but no… They continue repeating their favorite phrase: ”all Muslims should not be judged”. But their religion should. It’s a religion that’s completely comparable to the Nazi ideology. It advocates the extermination and slavery of non-Muslims and creates more violence and crime than any other, both historically and at present.

It does not deter mass immigration advocates that more than 95% of all suicide bombings are carried out by Muslims. Sunni Muslim terrorists committed more than 70% of the terrorist murders in 2011. Let’s add the Shi’ite Muslim terrorists victims and we have the moderate estimate of 9,015 killed of the 12,533 terrorist murders in 2011. See more statistics here.

What happens when Islam has been spread by the sword to all over the world? Will there be eternal peace when every single person on our planet is a Muslim? Of course not. Since it’s fair to assume that around 80-90% of all victims for terrorist attacks are Muslims and roughly 60% of terrorist attacks are carried out in Muslim countries. Sunnis and Shi’as will continue to kill each other, Al’awites and Wahhabist will not tolerate Sufist and so on.




Liberal Muslim women, a liberal dilemma

Here is a presentation of a number of liberal Muslim and former Muslim women who the regressive left and western feminists clearly find very, very difficult to handle. So difficult, they wish they didn’t exist.

First I present Eiynah (she wishes to remain anonymous) who is a Pakistani-Canadian blogger/illustrator who writes about sexuality in Pakistan. She dreams of a progressive motherland and her blogg is at

Eiynah takes a shot at the western ”liberal” media here 

She also wrote an open letter to Ben Affleck after his apologetic ranting as a guest at Bill Maher’s TV-show.

Next is Maryam Namazie  who is a former Muslim and political activist, campaigner and blogger. Visit Ms. Namazies excellent blog at

Ms. Namazie gives the liberal media more than a handful to handle here 

Next up is Asra Nomani, who certainly has created some stir up among Muslims and apologetics alike.

Ms. Nomani in an Interview with Bill Maher

Then we have Mona Walter a former Muslim living in Sweden. She has a Swedish language blogg at and a Twitter account. Here’s a story on CBN about Ms. Walter.

She was recently banned from giving a speech in the Muslim dominated suburb of Rinkeby’s Public Hall by the democratic city council(!). Being Sweden, the City Council of course let an infamous Imam preach hatred at the same Public Hall just a few week later… In Sweden she is of course regularly called a racist too.

Perhaps the most famous is activist, author, and politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali. She grew up in Somalia but fled to the Netherlands. She has just like every other former Muslim received death threats and was forced to leave Netherlands (imagine, one of the world’s most liberal and democratic societies is unsafe for a person who only campaign for the values of the Dutch and western society) but keeps campaigning for freedom of speech and writing books.  Here’s an interview with Ms. Ali from spring 2015.

Ms. Ali funded and leads the AHA foundation which ”… is the leading organization working to end honor violence that shames, hurts or kills thousands of women and girls in the US each year, and puts millions more at risk.”

They are all women that work and argue for the same basic human rights western feminist and liberals have reached decades even centuries ago.

But the apologetic regressive left and feminists seems to h a t e the fact that they exist.


Muslim gender violence, feminists and regressive left approves

The western feminists, the regressive left and the Islamists succesful co-operation on silencing and downplaying sexual violence against women by Muslims is perhaps the most pervert pact of modern day. It’s not restricted to silencing rapes, it’s also an unholy alliance working for gender segregation, honor crimes, dressing restrictions and eventually marginalizing all women, Muslim and non-Muslim, in western societies to the same level they enjoy in Muslim countries.

For instance, gender segregation, complete with burkinis (a burqa that is a ”bikini”) in public baths is a phenomena that’s come here to stay. Hijabs, niqabs, burqas are accepted with the motivation that it’s just a garment like any, a nice cultural enrichment and worn by free will, even by under aged girls. In suburbs Islamists are doing moral policing and it’s common that girls and women are hissed and shouted at, even attacked, if they are not wearing proper clothing. Teenage girls fall from balconies and are pushed under cars by close male relatives at an unprecedented ratio and girls are being sent abroad to marry men, often relatives, and they have no say.

All is accepted and even encouraged by feminists. Any discussion, even if conducted by liberal Muslim women and men, are either met with a wall of silence or condemned as narrow minded Islamophobia and of course racism. Feminists engaged in the raging discussions use exactly the same arguments as Islamists do. And how they rally behind the Muslim women who do wear head scarfs and not behind the more liberal Muslim women who oppose the garment!

The regressive left and feminists basically advocate an uncontrolled Muslim migration into western countries. With the dense congestion of Muslims in suburbs or townships, the problems and constant cultural conflicts with the laws and customs of the host nations are already unsolvable. Totally unsolvable. Almost every major city in western Europe have ”No Go-zones” where the population is virtually detached from the surrounding country and where police, social workers, local authorities e.t.c. have no jurisdiction. Europe: ”You Are Entering a Sharia Controlled Zone” And the contempt towards women, specially western women, and gender equality grow. But any attempt to discuss, any attempt to put the finger on the problem, any attempt to question if this is right is muted. When there is a discussion accusations of being IGNORANT, RACIST, ISLAMOPHOBIC and HATEFUL. And the loudest are the regressive left and the feminists in media, politics and their organizations.

And nowhere else in Europe is there a bigger rape wave and the silence or rabies like protection of Muslim rapists  stronger than in the worlds most liberal and feminist country, Sweden. As you,  dear reader, already have concluded with the staggering amount of bizarre cases from Sweden.


Heroes, Hymen and Honour: A Study of the Character of Attitude Change among Male Youth with Their Roots in an Honour-Based Context:

Click to access utbildning-rexvid-schlytter-heroes-hymen-honour-maskulinitet.pdf

Americas honor killings a growing reality:

The case of Mohammed Shafia’s daughters:

Muslim Integration

Muslim Integration into Western Cultures: Between Origins and Destinations (Harvard in 2009) is the name of a study that focuses on four important indicators.; gender equality and sexual liberalization,  religious values and democratic attitudes. It’s particularly interesting as it seeks to find out if values are mainly individual or influenced by environment.

”… the analysis demonstrates that the basic values of Muslims living in Western societies fall roughly half‐way between the dominant values prevailing within their countries of destination and origin. This suggests that migrant populations living in Rotterdam, Bradford and Berlin are in the process of adapting to Western cultures, while at the same time continuing to reflect the values learnt through primary socialization in their original countries of origin. The multi‐level models used for analysis in this study, controlling for many other social characteristics, show that living within an Islamic or Western society has a far stronger imprint on values than individual‐level religious identities, or indeed the effects of an individual’s education, age, gender, and income. Some previous studies argue that Muslim migrants encounter particular difficulties with cultural integration into European societies.15  By contrast, the results of the analysis is largely consistent with previous studies based on other populations, such as the integration of Mexican migrants into the U.S., suggesting common underlying processes are at work”

”To analyze the underlying drivers of cultural integration, we examine whether the values under comparison can be explained by: (1) individual‐level Muslim religious identities, controlling for many factors which may shape both social values and transnational mobility, including levels of education and socio‐economic status, marital status, labor force participation, religiosity, age, and gender; or (2) living within Islamic or Western societies, at macro‐level, controlling for world region.”

The two main questions are as follow ”Do migrants gradually absorb the culture of their new destination?” and  ”Or to what extent do migrants carry their original culture with them? ”


”There has been widespread public debate about how far Western societies can manage the growing social diversity produced by the rising influx of migrants flowing across national borders, and, in Muslim integration       particular, the rapidly expanding Muslim population living within Europe. During earlier historical eras, the United States assimilated successive waves of people, whether Irish, Italian, or Polish Catholics, Central European Jews, or Scandinavian Lutherans, as well as later populations drawn from around the globe, whether Vietnamese refugees, Korean shopkeepers and Indian software engineers, or Liberian, Colombian, Mexican laborers and service workers. Can historically more homogenous European cultures, such as Sweden, France and Germany, also manage to accommodate greater social diversity successfully? Or will immigration deepen cultural tensions, social instability, and intra‐communal conflict in Europe, especially when tested under conditions of deep‐rooted economic recession and joblessness?   As we demonstrate, cultural cleavages do exist.    They are not monolithic.    The largest differences between Muslim and Western societies are found in religiosity, gender roles and sexual norms.  This does not mean that migrants are constructing a sub‐culture that is entirely separate from the mainstream national cultures of Western societies; instead, Muslim migrants living in Western societies are located roughly in the center of the cultural spectrum, located between the publics living in Islamic and Western societies. It is entirely possible—indeed, we think it rather likely—that some degree of self‐selection may be involved:  those who choose to immigrate to the U.S. or to Spain may already have values that are relatively compatible with those of their future host country.  But even if this is true, these findings contradict the idea that immigrants simply import an unmodified version of the values of their own country into their new host country.  In the long‐term, the basic cultural values of migrants appear to change in conformity with the predominant culture of each society.    Nevertheless, substantial national differences are apparent, and the gap between Muslim and Western societies is particularly large.  They do not concern fundamental disagreement about whether democracy is a desirable form of government. But they do involve tolerance of sexual liberalization and women’s equality—and tolerance is a particularly crucial aspect of a democratic political culture. Do such cultural differences necessarily lead to tensions or even clashes?    No.    Under high levels of existential insecurity, xenophobia and intolerance are particularly intense and likely to lead to violence. Conversely, conditions of security are conducive to relative tolerance of diversity; indeed, at high levels of existential security, cultural pluralism is regarded as enriching the diversity of lifestyles, the range of choices that are open to people.   Cultural differences are a potential fault line that demagogues can exploit to inflame hatred between groups.  But there is nothing inevitable about cultural conflict.   Depending on conditions, diversity can be seen either as threatening or as a positive contribution Muslim integration towards the innovation and creativity that makes society and economies adapt successfully to new challenges in a globalized world.”

Hmmm. A careful politically correct conclusion?

Despite that, the study confirms several issues anyone not indoctrinated by the regressive leftists and apologetic’s ideology already suspected or knew.

First and foremost, that Muslim immigrants to western societies generally tend to end up in the middle of the western and Muslim societies values regarding the indicators. This mean not being completely integrated. Although the paper suggest that a gradual adjustment into the western society will happen over time it should be clear to anyone that a gradual integration is severely disrupted and blocked by the continuing large Muslim incoming populations bringing with them traditional Islamic attitudes. A good example is the Tatars of Finland. A small group of Tatars arrived in Finland at beginning of the last century and thanks to being such a small group completely surrounded by ethnic Finns they have been practically completely integrated within Finnish society despite maintaining their language and religion of Islam. If the Tatars would arrive today into Helsinki’s suburbs where there already are large Muslim (Somali, Iraqi) communities, would they integrate fully?


Join IMAM – International Movement Against Muslimification

Liberty. Equality. Secularism. Peace. Progress. Pluralism. Freedom of speech. Cultural diversity. Human rights. Animal rights. Gender equality. Our future.

They are all at stake. Islam is for all the opposite. Radical, fundamental and regressive Islam spread by Islamists, unfortunately paired with moderate Muslims silent approval or unwillingness to denounce their increasing influx and actions, is the most dangerous ideology mankind has ever encountered.

This is not bigotry, it’s reality. Islam, which is as much an ideology as it is a religion, is more totalitarian than Nazism, Communism and all other religions combined. Whatever we chose to call them, Muslims or Islamists, have up to date killed more humans than any others. And they will continue. Because Islam is always at odds with the developing world and humanity.

”Don’t fuel hatred” is a sentence often used as an argument not to create xenophobia and mistrust between Muslims and non-Muslims. Muslims do not need anyone else to act hostile. It is programmed in their culture as their hatred and disgust towards everything non-Muslim comes from within.

Never before has the world been as secular and libertarian as it is now and never before has so many coordinated actions of goodwill been bestowed on the developing(?) Muslim world. But despite of (or perhaps thanks to) this radical Islam has kept growing and growing.

The last decades European, American and Asian nations have let Muslims settle in their territories hoping they would become integrated communities working together for the benefit of the host countries. Muslims have been given the chance to work, education, benefits, housing and been welcomed by libertarian attitudes and given many opportunities by the citizens and officials of host countries. More often than not they have been profoundly informed about their rights to well fare and benefits, healthcare, freedom of speech and to practice their religion but information on their obligations have been seriously neglected. The result have been disastrous. Muslims are leading all negative statistics in everything from not being integrated and living in poverty to committing crime, rape, acts of violence, poverty, terrorism…

And with the current mass invasion of Muslims the situation is rapidly deteriorating. It  is already a catastrophy and many societal problems and issues are already irrevocable and unsolvable. All efforts to include, integrate and educate the majority of of Muslim immigrant populations have failed. What has been a success is the infiltration of an attitude of altruism, guilt and self criticism specially in the liberal layers of host countries. Politicians, media journalists, authorities, feminists, anarchists and so called anti-racists blame everyone except the Muslims themselves. Knowing it or not, they truly are fifth columns and Trojan horses suppressing discussion and the need to address the ongoing growth of Muslim populations and with it fundamentalism and all it’s consequences with accusations of racism and intolerance, side stepping the core issues with empty circular arguments, pretending all is well and with verbal assaults. By doing this they willfully make room for more Muslim crime, rape, acts of violence, poverty, terrorism and self imposed segregation.

Anjem Choudary, a prominent British Islamist, has urged his followers to quit their jobs and claim unemployment benefits so they could have time to plot holy war. ”We [Muslims] take the Jizya, which is ours anyway. The normal situation is to take money from the kuffar [non-Muslim]. They give us the money. You work, give us the money, Allahu Akhbar. We take the money.”

Lets work together for what any healthy mind approves with.  Liberty. Equality. Secularism. Peace. Progress. Pluralism. Freedom of speech. Cultural diversity. Human rights. Animal rights. Gender equality. Let’s unite against Islam.




IMAM – International Movement Against Muslimification

Links to information and statistics on Islam:

Gatestone Institute

The Religion of Peace

The Muslim Issue

Muslim Statistics


Jihad Watch

The Clarion Project

World Truth Summit

The Iconoclast

10 News